sábado, 7 de enero de 2012

Lyrics with meanings

¿Cuantos han escuchado o visto "Pumped up kicks" de Foster The People? Para aquellos que no, les dejo el video:

Para ser honesta, jamás me había percatado de la letra. La verdad tiene un ritmo muy pegajoso y eso me atrajo. Un día, manejando con mi prima, Kaya, salió en la radio y me dijo que la quitara porque ya no le gustaba, lo cual me pareció extraño pues tenemos gusto bastante similares respecto a la música; le pregunte por qué y fue donde me comentó que la letra en realidad es acerca de un niño armado queriendo matar a gente y disparando como desquiciado. Bastante fuerte.

Viniendo a mi casa hoy, encuentro a la siempre curiosa Sharon -mi hermana- buscando información sobre a letra. Sorpresa encontrar que muchos especulan fue escrita en base a la historia real de Robert Hawkins, un tirador suicida de Omaha, NE. Para saber más lean acá:

Masacre de Westroads Mall (español, para inglés pueden buscarlo abajo, está más completo)

La verdad me sorprendió. Sea verdad o no, es duro. Luego, claro, fuí y busque la versión de la banda y encontré esto:

A mi ver, tiene cierta lógica en vista de que hay muchos casos más de tiroteos especificos a "niños".

Qué si la canción es buena o mala, que da a su criterio. Que si es verdad o no, ellos sabrán. En lo personal el ritmo me sigue gustando. Es muy pegajoso. La letra, me pone a pensar antes de cantarla. Entiendo la postura de la banda pues fue en primer lugar lo que se me ocurrió cuando le pusé atención a la letra, pero nunca se sabe.... 

Moraleja: Pon atención siempre a lo que cantás/escuchas/ves. Nunca sabes que tan bueno o edificante es a tu vida o a quién puedes ofender. "De lo bueno, escoje lo mejor". Consejo que me ha ayudado. XO!


How many of you have heard the song "Pumped up kicks" by Foster the people? If you by any chance haven't, which I highly doubt you haven't, I post the video here so you can listen to and watch it:

To be quite honest, I have never payed attention to its lyrics until a few days ago. One day, I was driving with my cousin Kaya switching thru the radio when the song came up, I wanted to sing along but my cousin request to to please change because she didn't like it anymore. I thought that was weird since we pretty much have same taste when regarding to music. Then's when she told me song "...is 'bout a kid running like a maniac with a loaded gun shooting to kids, like threating them...". Pretty heavy.

Coming to my house today, I find my always very curious sister Sharon searching for more info on the lyrics. Surprise, surprise! It is speculated lyrics is about a shooter from Omaha, NE named Robert Hawkins. You want to know more 'bout that, read here:

Honestly, it surprise me. A lot. Wheter is true or not, is a harsh thing. After reading that, I search for some more info from the band and I came with this:

Which would have some logic considering there have been thru history other shooters and shootings involving children in specific.

Whether the song is good or not, is up to you. If is true or not, only they know. I still like the rhythm. Very catchy. Lyrics does got me thinking twice before singing alone. I do get the bands point of view since I thought that first too, all that being about a outkast or bullied kid or somethin' like that... but you just never know.

What can we learn from this?: Listen, not just hear. Pay attention to whatever it is your singing/hearing/watching. You never know how good influence can be to your life or who you might offend with it. "Of everything that is good, choose just the best". An advice that has work just perfect in my life. XO!

2 comentarios:

  1. Dude, who are you?

    You should me my father and no backwards.


    I feel hited by a ton of positivism, good will and kind advices.

    luv it. :)

    I'm not the Good-guy-type alike as you might already notice.

    But this kindness and goodness it is always good for the soul.

    your blog it is chiken soup for the soul! xD

    (for real)

    Keep it up, there's not so much people like this anymore.

    your kind it is a endangered specie. =)

  2. I'm THE DUDE! Hahahahaha! ;) And thanks for the compliment! You should keep it up too, you are also an endangered specie with all your brightness and way-too-happy-mood at work! :)


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