lunes, 2 de enero de 2012

¿Qué tal esto para romper dieta?/ How 'bout this to forget diet?

La temporada de fiestas pasó, se terminó la celebración pero todavía queda comida que terminar! En mis celebraciones, comí de todo: pavo, jamones, arroz, ensalada, diferentes tipos de pan y POSTRES!

Este fue mi favorito: Tres leches con nutella. Deliciones pan suave mojado en 3 diferetes tipos de leche con una ENORME capa de nutella al medio! Si alguien quiere acompañarme, sientase libre de venir porque todavía hay! Les deseo una semana tan dulce como la mía! :)

PS: Lo compré en panadería "San Martin", lo recomiendo con un buen vaso de tu bebida favorita.

Holiday season is over, celebrations are done, but there's still plenty of food to eat! In my celebrations I ate everything: Turkey, jams, rices, salads, different kinds of bread but overall, DESSERTS!

This was my favorite: 3 milks with nutella. For those of you who have no idea what that is, you should go ahead and try to get some, because is delish! Delicious sweet bread wet in three different kinds of milk, cut right in the middle and stuff with a HUGE nutella layer! If anyone wish to try it, you are more that welcome to my house where there's still a bit left! Wishing a week as sweet as mine I say goodbye!:) 

PS: Bought in bread store "San Martin". My personal recommendation is to eat with your favorite drink! :)

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